
Do Tooth Extractions Really Hurt?

Not if the dentist takes proper care Many people get anxious at the mere thought of visiting a dentist. You can imagine what tooth extractions can do to them. Most of the fears surrounding dental treatments are based on myths and misconceptions. In this post, we will try to give you a clear picture of […]

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Bridges

dental bridges

Dental bridges serve both functional and cosmetic purposes Missing teeth can significantly impact your smile and ability to chew and speak properly. If injury, extensive tooth decay, or some other dental issue has left you with a gap between your teeth, you may want to consider getting a dental bridge. While dental bridges are a […]

Everything You Need to Know about Dental Lumineers

Lumineers are a great choice to help make your smile sparkle. If you think your smile is missing the sparkle and you are wondering what to do about it, we have an answer for you. Thankfully, there are several treatment options available that can help you achieve sparkling teeth and a beautiful smile. If your […]

Why ignoring toothache is a bad idea?

Toothaches are an important sign that there is a problem If a tooth has been bothering you, and you are finding it hard to convince yourself that its time to visit the dentist, this article is for you. Most of us believe that toothache is not anything serious unless it becomes debilitating and makes it […]

Common Dental Mistakes 2021 And How To Fix Them

brushing teeth

We can all attest to the importance of having beautiful picture-perfect pearly whites. However, how many of us are taking the necessary steps to ensure the health and appearance of our teeth? As dental professionals, we have seen people committing enormous dental mistakes and ruining the structure of their smile. If you wish to keep […]

6 Common Dental Myths to Stop Believing

Dental hygiene is awash with myths that perpetuate fear, encourage bad oral hygiene, and more. Many of these dental myths have been hanging around for years. Do yourself a favor and arm yourself with the correct knowledge about dental health so you can protect your teeth comfortably and correctly for a lifetime.   1. Brushing […]

Our Dental Practices

Hartford Office

(860) 232-9002
576 Farmington Avenue Hartford, CT

East Hartford Office

(860) 289-9558
270 Burnside Avenue East Hartford, CT 06108

Berlin Office

(860) 799-4185
300 New Britain Rd Berlin, CT 06037