
A cracked tooth is not just a cosmetic issue but it can cause a range of other problems as well. Whether your tooth cracks or chips due to trauma or general wear and tear, you can experience symptoms such as pain when chewing your food or sensitivity to hot or cold food and drinks. If you have a chipped/cracked tooth, you should see your endodontist.

They have various restorative and cosmetic procedures available for saving a cracked tooth. They will recommend the right treatment based on the type, location, and extent of the damage. Once the treatment is complete, the tooth will look and function as it should. Some of the common treatment options available for cracked teeth are: 

Dental bonding 

Composite bonding is used to repair cracked, chipped, misshapen, discolored, gapped, and decayed teeth. The dentist roughens up the tooth and puts a conditioning liquid. Then a putty is applied, molded, and finally, smoothened. The dentist then uses ultraviolet light to harden the composite.

Once the bonding has dried completely is polished and given a proper shape to match the rest of the tooth. Composite bonding can last for as long as 10 years. However, this option works best when only a small piece of tooth enamel has chipped off.  

Dental crown 

If the tooth has a lot of decay or a large piece has broken off, the dentist may cover it with a dental crown. It is a tooth-shaped cap, which is made to protect the tooth and improve its appearance. They are made of resin, ceramic, metal, or porcelain fused to metal.

While resin and porcelain crowns resemble the natural tooth the most, metal crowns are the strongest. In case most of the top part of the tooth is broken but the root is healthy, the dentist may perform an RCT and place a pin, and build up a structure on which a dental crown can be fitted.  

Veneers For Cracked Tooth

These are covers for a tooth that are bonded to the front of the tooth for transforming its appearance. There are different types of veneers available and porcelain veneers are quite popular because they look very natural. With proper care, veneers can last a long time. You can have veneers placed on only one tooth or multiple teeth depending on your needs and goals.

When you visit the dentist to get veneers, they will first prepare the tooth by removing some of the tooth structure to make space for the veneers. The dentist will then take the impressions and you will choose the size, shape, and color of the veneer. The veneers are prepared in a lab and make take a few days. In the meantime, you will wear temporary veneers.  

Root Canal Therapy 

When the tooth crack or chip is very large and it exposes the pulp, bacteria from the mouth can enter and infect the pulp.  If your tooth hurts, becomes sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks, or changes color, it is likely that the pulp is damaged.

If the infected pulp tissue is not removed, the tooth can become infection may have to be extracted. In such cases, the dentist will perform Root Canal Therapy, wherein the dead pulp is removed, the root canal is cleaned, and then sealed. The remaining tooth is then covered with a crown to protect it.  

Dental implants 

If the cracked tooth is very large and extends below the gum line, it may not be possible to save the tooth. You may need a tooth extraction and then get a dental implant to replace the missing tooth. After the extraction, the dentist will place titanium screws into the jawbone. The dentist will then wait for a few weeks so that the titanium screw fuses with the bone completely. After 12-16 weeks, the dentist will take an impression of the teeth and create a crown that will be placed on top of the implant.   

If you have a cracked  tooth, get in touch with us now. We will guide you in what treatment option is best for you.  


Our Dental Practices

Hartford Office

(860) 232-9002
576 Farmington Avenue Hartford, CT

East Hartford Office

(860) 289-9558
270 Burnside Avenue East Hartford, CT 06108

Berlin Office

(860) 799-4185
300 New Britain Rd Berlin, CT 06037